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Fishing Rules

Rules for fishing at Moss Wood Caravan Park

We try to keep things casual and based on common sense here at Moss Wood, however we do have a few rules you should be aware of whilst you are fishing with us here on the caravan park:

Fishing at Moss Wood Caravan Park
  1. Anglers and paying visitors only to be in the vicinity of the pond.
  2. All Anglers to report to reception in office hours to pay the appropriate fee and collect a gate key before fishing. Any other visitor wishing to be in the vicinity of the pond must pay half the fee for angling.
  3. Anglers must approach the pond via the caravan park roads; please do not cut between static caravans and respect other caravaners’ privacy.
  4. All gates to be left as they are found. Respect is to be shown to any livestock which may be grazing adjoining land.
  5. Fishing to take place between 9.30am and 9.30pm or dusk (whichever is earliest). Anyone wishing to fish in an evening must collect a key from reception before 5pm. Keys can be returned to reception at your earliest convenience the following morning if fishing after 5pm.
  6. No dogs allowed in the vicinity of the pond.
  7. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  8. A valid Environment Agency Rod Licence is required by all anglers over the age of 12.
  9. Fishing is from marked pegs only, pegs cannot be reserved and anglers must reel in if they leave their peg.
  10. All litter, including spent fishing tackle, must be placed in the bin provided.
  11. Barb-less hooks only.
  12. No keep nets.
  13. All fish caught to be landed in a knot free landing net and returned to water in a swift and humane manner.
  14. Fishermen should behave in a respectful way to all other anglers.
  15. It may at times be necessary to close the fishery for maintenance purposes. Wherever possible, notice will be given at reception.
  16. Any person entering the vicinity of the fishing pond does so at their own risk. Moss Wood Caravan Park accepts no responsibility for any injury, loss or damage however caused.

We hope you enjoy fishing with us here at Moss Wood Caravan Park!

Moss Wood

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