Local Taste Test Success!
2nd August 2017

Our Local Taste Test event on Saturday 29th July went down a storm, we are delighted to report! The event was an opportunity for our guests to sample a range of locally produced foods and drinks, showing just how great Lancashire produce is! We make a point of stocking local produce in our on site shop, including everything we had on display on Saturday (except the goat meat, which can be ordered from reception).
Over 100 guests sampled the delights available, which included:
Goat meat from Cockerham Boers – based just a couple of hundred yards from Moss Wood
‘Kick Ass’ cheese from Proctors Cheese – from nearby Chipping
Our Moss Wood house wine – always a winner!
Sausages and pies from Hamlets butchers in Garstang
Award-winning ale from Bowland Brewery in Clitheroe
Lancashire Crisps from Fiddler’s near Ormskirk
Two new varieties of ale from Farm Yard Ale – based under a mile away from Moss Wood
Chocolate and vanilla ice cream from Cool Cow Ice Cream, produced yards away from the cows that make the milk just two miles from Moss Wood
We were absolutely astounded with the support from our guests, with a phenomenal turn out – and we hope there will be even more support for our neighbouring producers as a result!
It will also have been the first time that many guests saw our huge 120 square foot interactive display board for our new Nature Trail…but more information about that is available on our website!